viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Multimedia Search Media
This first web page talks about a conference in 2009 that took place in Chicago, where multimedia search engines was the "hot topic". In the page there's a line that resumes all the conference. "The days of concentrating your web marketing efforts on a website alone are hereby gone". In way this link is telling to all the business man that is time modernize your business by using different types of  web pages. Blogs, Facebook,  Twitter. In a way to make different type of people to catch your attention. Also that if you stay behind, the other ones will be ahead of you and will be difficult to catch them.

This second link talks in general about the fight between the most important search engines, like Google or Yahoo. There is a new technology called Visual Pattern Recognition that Apple wants to apply it. This new technology is apply in the new Apple Iphone, you use the camera that it comes with this phone to recognize different CD or books. When it does it sends you to a search engine where information about the product is provided. It gives you a critic, a video from Youtube or to Itunes Music Store.
This Multimedia Search Engine is about using face recognition and text together or separated, and using this in a search engine from your mobile or smartphone. It also search ranks the pages that appear and puts them in order of importance.
This Multimedia Search Engine has a way of using images. You post a image through there web page and takes it through a search engine. Looking all the information about it. From where has it come from, how has being use or if it is a modified version of a picture. Instead of using words or other type, it uses pictures. When you use a search using a picture and you don't know form where it is, you put in the image search box and gives you result from different pages that talks or provide information of it.

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Constructing Queries

The search queries I would do is in the example, how could it be life in other planets. I will search it with different tags. The three tags that I would do will be:

  • Life in Other Plantes
  • Resources are a clue of living things in other planets?
  • Aliens

Link º3: This link wasn't useful because it doesn't provides exact information about what a wanted to look for.

The exact way to look for something you don't know and you only have some words is through tags. The tags is the way in how web pages indicate what should be displayed on the screen when the page loads. Tags are the basic formatting tool used in HTML.

The way to refine the search about life in other planets, I would start to use words that are key to the subject. Doing this, I will be adding more tags that are related to the search I am doing. This will make my search more specific and the pages that appear will be more specific.

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

The Filter Bubble

1) Every time we did a search, we either more or less use the same web pages, but many times we didn't get the same or in different order. Even though all the members in our group had created the gmail account just for the course, or had the account a long time ago but didn't use to see new through google, we more or less had the same web pages when we enter something in the search box of Google main page.
The conclusion I got of the video, talking about the Filter Bubble, is that in a way search engines or other internet web page service shows you the information you want to see. They suppously know what you want to see from your lately searches. All the time you do a search, in gets stored for the next time you do any type of search. This has a problem because you can't decide to new news or other types enter your filter bubble. The example that the man in the video gives is a very simple one. In Netflix, if you want to look for new genres of movie, it will take longer to get to recommendations. In the other hand, all the movies that you already have seen will still appear in your recommendations although you have already seen them. The man in the video also said another very important thing. When the internet didn't exist, you had the news papers that provide you information. Those new papers give only one type of view, you didn't know the opinions of other people. The Filter Bubble does the same thing, only provides you one type of view, blocking you from the others. It isolates you.

2) This new privacy policy of Google is shortened to "Single User". Before this new policy, Google separate what you searched in Google, Youtube or what you saw most in Google +. Now with the new one Google, mixes the searches you do with their other web pages like Youtube. If a user of Google doesn't want this, you must have different Google account for every type of page that uses Google Accounts. This new policy is a Filter Bubble inside the different Google web pages.'s-privacy-policy

Search Engines

Search Engines

1b. The first page to appear in Google for searching 'electric cars' was Wikipedia, in which the words 'electric car' appeared 136 times throughout the whole article. This page, used 182 references to collect all the information. Google is the reason why most people visit Wikipedia. The co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin, believes that Wikipedia is “one of the greatest triumphs of the Internet” and “an invaluable resource to anyone who is online”. Google loves Wikipedia, there are 99% chances that, if Wikipedia has an article based on query, it will be shown on the first page.
The second page that appeared was Telsa Motors ( which was founded in 2003 and they wanted to prove that electric cars could be excellent also. In this page you can see the different models Telsa Motors offers.
The third page to appear was Electric Cars, ( which has as a mission not to produce gas or pollution. They also have a ranking of the top 10 electric cars. Also, they show the worldwide dealer network.
The fourth page that appeared was Hybrid Cars ( that explains what an electric car is, and then compares electric vs. Gasoline, also they have a list of the new upcoming electric cars. It also provides a lot of information about electric cars and its benefits.
The second search engine we used to look for ‘electric cars’ was yebol. I consider that the first link ( was ranked in that position because of the amount of times that the word ‘electric ’ and ‘cars’ appear throughout the article. In addition, yebol may recognize how popular this webpage is.
The link ranked second on Yebol’s search engine was This may be because of the fact that this webpage that sells electric cars and tries to promote them. The webpage called milesev refers to miles electric vehicles. This search engine takes into account the use of the word vehicle, a synonym for cars.
Thirdly ranked appears Tesla is a webpage about cars specifies on ‘electric cars’, when you click on an interactive button. This suggests that the search engine used, has a deep investigation on the websites so it also bases it results on the links you may open within the webpage.
In the fourth ranked link, the word ‘car’ appears in the title, in the name of the webpage, and throughout the article. This webpage is a guide on cars and prices, and a listed category is ‘electric cars’
Besides, in every webpage ranked in the first four places, our search query appeared as one or more of the webpage’s tags.
c. The search engines algorithms are based on the coincidence of your query with the webpage tags and also with the amount of times your query or part of it is mentioned throughout the text. It also analyzes the importance of your query in the webpage such as if your query is described and deeply analyzed or just being mentioned. In the case of google, Wikipedia appears as the first ranked link in several cases not only because of your query and its popularity but also because Wikipedia is highly supported by Google.
2. Search Engine Optimization is a process where the search engines are optimized for the people who enter, it makes it more "friendly". The most important objective is the choosing sites from the words that the user imputs in the search engine. When a page is more visited that the others, it tends to be in the top of the page when you look for something. Thats part of the process of SEO. Also, the SEO targets to optimized other type of categories, such as images, videos or news.

PageRank is the way that Google ranks the pages from the keywords you've input. Depending on what you had written, PageRank analyzes the links and quality of them. If the hits are higher and better for what you are seraching, the most recomended pages will be at the top.

There are a lot of startegies to make your webpage appear at the top of Google. One of the most important techniques is the title he tag. The page title is the first thing the search engine will look for. It is essential to put one or two keyword and not spamming it. The second most important technique is the meta tag. Is important beacuse it appears listed in te search results. It is what the user reads when i comes up and makes them decide to click your web page or not. As title tag, it is important to us keywords but not to many. The third most important is the proper use heading tags. This helps the search engines, users and web browsers to know where the major key points of your copy are.
3. When we searched Miserable failure on Google, we found that many links were related to the ex-president of United States, George Bush, before when people searched “miserable failure” the first link that appeared was his biography, although the 2 words never appeared in the article. But that happened because Google doesn’t search only about the content of the page but also about other links the page has. This is called Google Bombing, when you relate one phrase to certain articles which maybe have nothing to do, but they appear when searched.
When we searched Talentless hack, we found that most pages talked about Google bombing, then we found an article that explained that Adam Mathes who has a weblog and an online journal of his thoughts and investigations, used a bomb to make his friend page appear when talentless hack was searched on Google. This may be used by businesses or corporations to improve their position in search results.

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Artificial Seeds

Statement:  Artificial seeds can defeat world hunger but still there weren’t tested on humans.
Page 1: The artificial seeds are easy of handling, they are not expensive, they last longer, it avoids extinction of species, it has plant nutrients, it may be used for production of hybrids, it allows direct field use, there are large scale propagation
This page is reliable because it was developed by efields media, wich is a company speciallized in developing this type of information.

Page 2: Excellent seedling performing in the field, they may be grown in fields under diverse environmental conditions.  The reaserch projects focus on embryo growth and on the different  seed covering layers.
This is a reliable source as it is a website of the  Gerhard Leubner Lab, from the University Freiburg, Germany.

Statement 2: 2/3 of the languages in the world  will be extinct by 2050.

Source 1:
By 2050 Mandarine will probably be one of the most learned languages.  There are some languages that are declining, such as Italian, but there will still be many languages spoken in 2050.  The next 4 languages to have aproximatedly  the same amount of people speaking them by 2050, will be English, Spanish, Hindi and Arabic. Arabic being each time more spoken as English each time less. 
This is a reliable source as this information was taken from the National Geographic news, and it is a world wide known society, which has a lot of professional people working for them who write about this kind of things.

Source 2:
In 2050 there will be a decline in English speakers, while Chinese will still be "firmly planted in first place".
The graph in the web page, shows that Chinese will be the most spoken language, followed by Hindu, then Arabic, then English, then Spanish, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese and last Malay.
Most people will be able to speak more than one language, Stephen Anderson, a Yale linguistic, says that it is important to speak English, but that people should understand that that does not mean that you are abandoning your native language. 
This is a reliable resource as the text was taken from the journal of American Association of the Advancement of Science.Also, it has many graphs which help to visualize how many people will speak different languages.